
How to wear Lingerie as Outerwear

The new trend in fashion among fashionistas is wearing lingerie and jeans. This Spring/Summer the revolutionary outfit will be perfect for a day or night look.

This trend is perfect for every type of silhouette, you just need to have the confidence to wear it.

Let’s take a look at some outfit combinations we have found and to complete each look, a pair of daring sunnies!

Black and Red

Black and red is the perfect combination for a sexy outfit. This simple combination can have the best results.

Try on a black sexy bodysuit with red wide leg trousers. If you would like to look taller, put on some heels and rock the night!

Becky G is completing her outfit with oversized earrings and we love it! Accessories are very important for a sophisticated outfit.

Casual Outfit

Try to be daring as Khloe. Wear a transparent bodysuit with jeans!

A very sexy look, that will make you feel confident and ready to take all eyes on you!

Who says sexy is just for the night? With a pair of high waisted jeans and stiletto you can have an awesome outfit.

These Carrera sunglasses are the perfect accessory to complete this outfit.

Carrera CARRERA 132/S

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White Lace and Denim

It’s so simple to match a pair of jeans with a white lace bodysuit any time of the day.

Khloe is wearing a light denim jacket and her outfit is completed by a black pair of sunglasses.

Try this outfit day or night and be ready to rock your body!


 Gabbana DG4310
Gabbana DG4310

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Young, Wild and Free

Who said that sexy bodysuits are just for the bedroom? In the picture above, this outfit is sexy and sophisticated.

Matching a red and blue lace bodysuit with a leopard print coat it’s something that will make you stand out, that’s for sure!

Try on with some ripped jeans for a cool outfit.

We would recommend cat eye sunglasses for a perfect finnish outfit.

#totallook DW055

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Black or White

Megan Fox  loves a combination of lace bodysuits and high waisted jeans.

White or black it’s perfect to make a great outfit, now that the summer is on the way, why not try different colours and different types of sexy bodysuits, dare to be different this Spring!

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