• Trending

    Love Island 2018: Sunglasses Style

    With the finale only days away and just 5 couples remaining, Summer is in full swing on Love Island. We have had our fill of one liners, laughter, tears and tantrums, along with love and heartbreak and a memorable hot air balloon ride! But the ultimate one liner and memorable…

  • Lifestyle

    4 Simple Tips To Enjoy Every Day

    When I was a kid, my Dad used to tell me that I would always wake up with a smile. He said I’d jump out of bed full of energy and enthusiasm to start my day. He would usually put Elvis on a vintage vinyl record player, prepare breakfast and I would be…

  • Lifestyle

    Life Hack: Tips For Maximum Productivity

    Picture this. You have a ton of things on your to-do list. From school work to group projects, unanswered e-mails from clients and colleagues, household chores and errands, all demanding your attention. Staring at your screen for long periods of time, whether it is your mobile phone or your laptop, can…