
National Eye Health Week: The Top Advice For Healthy Eyes

National Eye Health Week is a great time to talk about looking after and protecting your eyes.

The purpose of the week is to really focus on how you can ensure your eyes stay healthy, how you can eat to improve your vision and the importance of regular eye tests for all.

There are plenty of events going on around the country to get you and your family involved – have a look here to see what’s going on near you!

To celebrate this important event, we have put together this article to give you some top tips to help ensure your eyes are as healthy as can be.

Remember to spread the word and tell your friends about National Eye Health Week too.


1. Get An Eye Test

The number one thing you can dob to protect your eyes is to get a regular eye test (at least every two years).

If you haven’t had one in a while, then it is time to head to your local opticians!

Eye tests will ensure you are wearing the right prescription and will also scan for any eye conditions which could lead to vision loss further down the line.

If you find you need some new glasses, then be sure to check out SelectSpecs’ huge range of prescription glasses and sunglasses.

The Ray-Ban RX6489 are a gorgeous pair of trendy glasses which will keep you looking stylish whilst also protecting your eyes!

Ray-Ban RX6489
Ray-Ban RX6489

Buy Now »

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Make sure you have some prescription sunglasses too!

The Ray-Ban RB3016 Outsiders – Clubmaster feature a trendy horn-rimmed style with black and gold frames.

So stylish.

Ray-Ban RB3016 Outsiders - Clubmaster
Ray-Ban RB3016 Outsiders – Clubmaster

Buy Now »

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2. Diet

Your diet is super important when it comes to looking after your eyes.

Oily fish such as salmon and tuna are a great thing to eat to help your eyes stay healthy.

You should also go for leafy green vegetables such as kale and spinach, and fruit which is high in vitamin C.

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3. Exercise

Exercise is vital for both our mental and physical health, but did you know it can affect our eyesight too?

Regular exercise can help prevent age-related macular degeneration macular degeneration (AMD).

AMD is a degenerative eye sight condition which affects the central part of the retina.

Exercise has also been linked to a reduced risk of contracting other eye conditions, including Glaucoma and Cataracts.

You don’t need to be going for 10 kilometer runs three times a week – a 10-minute brisk walk once a day can really make a big difference.

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4. Protect From The Sun

Protecting your eyes from damaging UV rays is incredibly important, and will greatly improve your eye health now and in the future.

Make sure you never directly look at the sun and make sure you wear sunglasses when outside.

Also, ensure that your sunglasses are giving you the right amount of UV protection.

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Read more about eye safety at work and school here