When it comes to contact lenses, the UK market is growing as much as Donald Trump’s support, and we definitely know the score as far as lenses are concerned.

If you don’t believe us why not take a peak at our extensive collection of contact lenses.  In 2013, the market was estimated to be worth in the region of a quarter of a million pounds. These figures were revealed according to the good people at the British Contact Lens Association.

Data which was gathered by the Association of Contact Lens Manufacturers (ACLM) further revealed that there were in excess of 600 million lenses sold. And if your peepers are not raised by now then get a load of this.

At present, there are more than a whopping 4 million individuals in the UK alone who rely on contact lenses. In terms of proportion, this amounts to nearly 10 per cent of all those adults between the ages of 15 and 65 years old.

On top of this the US play an integral role as a staggering 40 million plus Americans wear regular contacts. Yet it is believed that nearly nine in ten do not adhere to the care instructions properly.

As some of us are aware, there are a number of different problems that are inherently linked with not looking after our lenses. In the first instance, you might suffer from irritation. On top of this, how about vision loss?

Yet, all of this is possible if you don’t take the Baden-Powell approach and be prepared. Not cleaning your lenses carefully can also cause effects such as eye infections. More often than not, this is usually caused when rinsing them using tap water.

Well, taps not your lot just yet! Other reports have proclaimed that many contact lens wearers admit to poor cleanliness habits. Although many users experience red eyes from time to time, this can lead to significant issues in the long term.

For example, it can possibly lead to loss of sight for many, whilst others have noted poor cleaning habits are a factor in microbial keratitis. What is this?

Well, it is used to describe an inflammation of the cornea. This is often caused by a host of germs that can be found in the eye and is connected to contact wearers.

In spite of the fact that the possibility of contracting an infection is minor, it does increase. This is especially the case if you leave lenses in for a long period of time. So, isn’t about time we focused on the matter in hand? We round up the top and dos and don’t when looking after your lenses:

6. DO clean your lens case well

Contact Lenses on finger
Image credit: Flickr

This is a definite do on the list and is one of the most important factors in avoiding hygiene problems. We all know very well to wash our hands before and after touching lenses. Nevertheless, poor hygiene will contaminate your contact lens case and cause more harm than good.

If you forget to clean not to mention dry your case and wash your hands properly, this could spell trouble. With a big, fat capital T!

Several researchers have discovered this is closely linked with vision related issues. On top of this, you may find a greater level of nasties lurking in your contact case. In order to ensure your case is thoroughly clean, take the following steps.

Firstly, it is essential that you all the lens solution out. Every last drop must go from the case. You will then need to rub with your finger and rinse using brand new solution.

As soon as you have done this, it is time to wipe clean. Simply use a tissue for this and keep it upside down preferable on a fresh tissue. It is extremely important that you replace the case every months for maximum cleanliness.

5. DO ask advice about keeping your contacts on at night

In this particular scenario, make sure you ask the advice of your GP before you do this. Sleeping with lenses can augment eye infections by up to ten times so it’s not advisable.

Yet, there may be some lenses that have been approved to wear when you are tucked up. The best thing is to check in with your doctor who will be able to determine accordingly.

4. DON’T take a bath in contact lenses

Hmm a definite no no in anyone’s prescription book. It is best to avoid any type of bathing or showering at all costs.

It’s much better to remove them before you decide to go for a dip or a sultry sauna. Water is not ideal as it contains a variety of tiny organisms that can cause vision problems for many users. Consequently, these organisms can multiply quickly thus causing eye infections.

3. DON’T purchase lenses without a prescription

We may be stating the obvious but you would not believe some folk! It is absolutely imperative that you don’t use contacts without a certified prescription. Whether you are looking for coloured or regular contact lenses, a prescription is vital.

Using lenses without this can lead to all sorts of trouble with your cornea. Our eyes are unique to us so treat them with the upmost respect. In essence, make sure your get your peeper processed by an optician or ophthalmologist.

2.  DO use fresh lens solution

It might be tempting to ask for a top up at your local but not for contact lenses. Air on the side of caution and always use new lens solution.

In this way, it will keep your contacts spanking fresh the whole night through. Above all, do not and we repeat, do not add solution to existing solution. This can sometimes cause rare eye issues which can be permanent.

1. DON’T use lenses past their expiry date

Treat this as you would treat a sell by date on a fresh iceberg lettuce. Once it has gone past its sell by date, you should know not to consume.

This is precisely the same for contacts and they need to be replaced in a timely manner. So do the right thing. Disposable, as well as daily disposable lenses, do exactly what they say on the tin so don’t run the gauntlet. Under most circumstances, wearing lenses beyond a certain time is always not ideal and can lead to discomfort.

By james